More people watching, more people ready for connected TV

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While hundreds of industries were negatively impacted for COVID-19, video streaming grew by 20% worldwide in the first month of the pandemic, especially due to the greater presence of people staying at home, increasing their need and interest in consuming more content. In this scenario, advertising on connected TV showed a leap not only in investments but also in relevance and impact with this growing audience.
This movement not only generated an increase in traffic but reached new audiences and idealised many people who had more sporadic contact with on-demand content. Based on that, new behaviors and consumption forms are being designed for this post-confinement moment, bringing important opportunities for brands.
One of the main points is to understand how, through solutions brought by connected TV, it is possible to be much more effective in campaigns, adjusting the target audience by the same parameters used in digital campaigns, but with the benefit of the wide penetration and guaranteeing as much attention as possible for the message in the large screens, bringing together the best of both worlds.

Today, it is already possible in CTV to explore 100% of the benefits present in linear TV, such as having an impact on a massive audience, the greatest possible qualities in sound and image, displaying the message on huge screens, and the interaction between television and smartphones. Going further, add in the possibilities of connected TV options of strategic importance, such as segmentation by regions and definition of your own “prime time”, frequency and investment, all in control of who leads the campaign in real-time, being able to have this strategy updated whenever necessary.
Also add access and detailed analysis of data on how the campaign is performing according to different messages, devices or content partners chosen for the placement, all with easy understanding and interaction. Not to mention that all the ads can be clickable, taking the user to a page or destination defined by the brand, which can be from the institutional website to a research possibility, different creative tests, or the extension of an originally shorter message.
Another increasingly popular and simple factor to consider is to integrate the product offer with immediate purchase via mobile, transforming a sale in real-time into the best possible KPI. In a survey realized by Capterra earlier this year, 57% of Brazilian participants said that they had already made acquisitions through QR Code. After the pandemic, with open TV channels encouraging and helping to disseminate this behavior, its use tends to grow exponentially. In CTV, it is also possible to constantly update this code with the perfect offer, product, etc.
According to eMarketer’s latest survey of American industry agency and brand leaders, Connected TV and OTT are at the top of the list about channels which they are expected to increase investments in the second half of 2020, compared to the same period last year. 59% of participants are expecting to increase budgets on CTV over the next few months.
And don’t think Brazil has a very different reality. According to the latest survey TIC Domicílios, by Cetic.BR, 71% of the Brazilian population is connected to the internet, the majority already using cable or optic fiber. And 37% already have their TV connected to the network, which corresponds to more than 75 million potential consumers ready to be impacted by the perfect message, at the right time, on the largest and best screen possible.